#!/bin/bash # $Id: webv,v 1.94 2019/04/04 18:11:28 fulford Exp fulford $ # $Source: /src/admin/usr/local/etc/RCS/webv,v $ # $Revision: 1.94 $ # Author C W Fulford. # Copyright 2014 (c) C W Fulford. # Licensed for public use under the LGPL, . # For assistance contact fulford@fulford.net 0709 229 5385 ######################################################################## cmd=`basename $0` syntax="$cmd: [[-d] [-v] <id> [-C # ]] | -V" ver=`echo "$Id: webv,v 1.94 2019/04/04 18:11:28 fulford Exp fulford $"|awk '{print $3,$4,$5}'` while [ $# -gt 0 ] ;do case $1 in -C) ttd=$2;shift 2;; -c) config=$2;shift 2;; -d) debug=:;set -x;shift;; -s) sort=0;shift;; -v) verbose=:;shift;; -V) echo "$cmd $ver";exit;; *) sites="$sites $1";shift;; esac done [ -z "$sites" ]&&{ echo "syntax: $syntax" >&2;exit 1;} [ `id -u` -eq 0 ] &&{ echo "$cmd: Cannot run as root user.">&2;exit 1 ;} config=${config:-"/usr/local/etc/webv.cf"} [ -f "$config" ]||{ echo "$cmd: $config not found">&2;exit 1 ;} tmp=/tmp/webv$$ _exit () { [ -f $tmp ] && rm $tmp exit $1 } # total days in full month Days=`cal \`date +"%m %Y"\` | awk 'NF {DAYS=$NF} END {print (DAYS)}'` # total mins in full month Mins=`bc<<- . scale=2 $Days * 24 * 60 . ` [ $verbose ] &&{ printf "%30s %10s %9s %8s\n" "Website" "Visitors" "Average" "Prediction" } for site in $sites ;do eval `sed -ne "/^$site:/,/^$/{ /^[ \t][^#]*/p }" $config ` [ -z "$LOC" ] &&{ echo "$cmd: No LOC for $site in $config" >&2 _exit 1 } [ -z "$STATSRVR" ] &&{ echo "$cmd: No STATSRVR for $site in $config" >&2 _exit 1 } [ -z "$URI" ] &&{ echo "$cmd: No URI for $site in $config" >&2 _exit 1 } read -r eDays eHrs eMins <<- . $(date +"%d %H %M") . toteMins=`bc <<- . ($eDays - 1) * 24 * 60 . ` toteMins=`bc <<- . $eHrs * 60 + $toteMins . ` toteMins=`bc <<- . scale=2 $eMins + $toteMins . ` [ ! $ttd ] &&{ if wget --spider -q $STATSRVR$LOC ;then ttd=`wget -qO - $STATSRVR$LOC | sed -ne '/Viewed traffic/s/[^0-9]*\([0-9,]*\).*/\1/p'| sed -e 's/,//' ` else error=$? echo "$cmd: $STATSRVR$LOC not available.">&2 _exit $error fi } [ ! $ttd ] &&{ echo "$cmd: stats at $URI not found" >&2 continue } ave=`bc <<- . scale=6 $ttd / $toteMins . ` perDay=`bc <<- . scale=6 $ave * 60 * 24 . ` predn=`bc <<- . scale=6 $ave * $Mins . ` #home=`echo $URI|sed -ne 's/\([^\/]*\)\/.*$/\1/p'` home=$URI (( $(#home) > 30 )) && home="${home:0:27}..." if [ "$verbose" ];then printf "%30s %8i %10.2f %8.0f\n" $home $ttd $perDay $predn else printf "%30s %3i %4.2f %4.0f\n" $home $ttd $perDay $predn fi unset ttd URI LOC STATSRVR done >$tmp if [ $sort ];then sort -n -r -k3 <$tmp else cat $tmp fi _exit 0 ###################################################################### # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and or # # modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # A copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License and the GNU # # General Public License is available at # # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ######################################################################
© 2003-2017
Clifford W Fulford.
Fulford Consulting Ltd.
Regd. Co. 4250037 in England & Wales.
Regd. office 162, Edward Rd. Nottingham NG2 5GF, England, UK.
Related web sites: City Linux | Flare Support | West Bridgford | Fulford Portal | Joan Mary Fulford (Nottingham Writer) | Fulford Gallery | Amharic Interpreter | Arabic Interpreter | Tigrinya Interpreter
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